28 February-6 March 2022
The weekly astro-oracle is a theriomancic message:
Rabbit Spirit

Image Credit: Pronolagus sp: Karoo hare (1777–1786) painting in high resolution by Robert Jacob Gordon. Original from the Rijksmuseum. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
What is theriomancy? Theriomancy or zoomancy is a form of divination that involves observation of the appearance and behavior of wild animals. Common forms of theriomancy include ailuromancy, the study of cat movements, and augury, the study of bird formations. While augury appears to be more fixed than other systems of divination, with some sources going as far as to interpret the direction of the birds’ flight, calls, and times of day, individual animal totem or spirit animals also have rich symbolism, which can be accessed by tuning into the oversoul of the animal.
I asked Spirit, what do all those who frequent this page need to know this week to stay in alignment with the highest good? Then I glanced out the window and noticed a plump rabbit feeding from a grassy patch of earth a little off the snow line. Since I so seldom see a rabbit in my parts given the number of coyotes, instantly I recognized it as our spirit animal. Rabbit Spirit is connected with prosperity, abundance, and fertility. Since rabbit has the (fecund)ability to reproduce rapidly and build ancestry, it also symbolizes longevity. While the rabbit’s timid nature is associated with fear, its fertility is associated with creativity. Those with rabbit spirit animal totem are clever and creative, but may be working to overcome fear and anxiety.
Hay House author and oracle card extraordinaire Colette Baron-Reid adds that Rabbit Spirit reminds us that “now’s a lucky time of tremendous possibility.” Leading us out of our dark warren and into the light-filled meadow, indeed, the magic starts to happen when we take the risk of being vulnerable and co-creating something new. Although this is a new life that we may have little experience with, this spirit animal invites us to participate in a fertile and beautiful manifestation.
As the new month begins, Australian cosmologist Elizabeth Peru observes that with the Aquarian Stellium soon to return to our skies, comes the reminder that every soul on the planet serves as a light bearer of the new Aquarian Age. Indeed, we all chose to be here during this great epochal shift!
Wednesday-Thursday, March 2-3, we have our New Moon in Pisces. Conjunct Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, Rabbit Spirit invites us to set some powerful new intentions. When the Piscean ‘make-a-wish’ New Moon and ‘great benefic’ Jupiter meet, astrobutterfly.com explains that anything we initiate at this time will grow exponentially. Since Jupiter amplifies the New Moon’s manifestational potential, even if we’re not the type of person who ‘believes’ in New Moon rituals, the source inspires us to give it a try this month. Peru reminds us that it’s also the power day of 3:3 today, activating the energy of creativity, social responsibility, personal expression, self-criticism and intuitive visions. Auspiciously occurring under the New Moon, the source and Marla Kelly of Twinstrology add that this is a call for lightworkers to BECOME the peace and unity that they wish to see in the world.
Also on this day, Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. As the planet of restriction and tough love, understandably Saturn transits are not the most desirable. Astrosofa.com warns that such transits can make us stubborn, quarrelsome, suspicious, resentful, and greedy. Indeed, our pessimism and depression could bring on failures and disputes in the family circle, keeping timid Rabbit Spirit to its warren! With that said, astrobutterfly.com explains that the conjunction is among the most constructive of Saturn transits. Not only is Saturn domiciled in Aquarius, Mercury feels comfortable in this air sign too. As the sign and planetary rulers of the 11th house of social groups and clubs, Aquarius and Saturn give us the opportunity to communicate and be truly intentional (Mercury) about our goals and aspirations for the future.
Starting Thursday, March 3, Mars, quickly followed by Venus, meets up with Pluto in Capricorn. While we may already feel acquainted with the energy of this triple conjunction that has been steadily building these past 2 weeks, astrobutterfly.com warns that it is still not an aspect to be taken lightly. Peru adds that Mars helps us fire up our resolve, allowing us to feel more secure and at ease with our own abilities. While this is great news, with Venus simultaneously activating the heart chakra, awakening our divine life’s purpose and mission, Rabbit Spirit finds this flow stabilizing yet challenging. The source explains “[the] head is being called into the heart for wise counsel and to assure that your step taken now are what you really want.”
“Venus is what we want, and Mars is how we go after what we want,”continues astrobutterfly.com; “normally Venus-Mars conjunctions… give us that extra determination to pursue our goals and desires… but when Pluto gets involved, the intensity increases tenfold. Pluto is the collective power, the Will of the Universe.” With Pluto conjunctions, two things are possible—either we embody the Pluto archetype at an identity level and ‘abuse’ our personal power, or we externalize our locus of control and feel utterly powerless and at the mercy of karmic fate and circumstance. “The key to working with this incredibly intense transit is understanding what it is that we want and what it is that Pluto wants. When we find that sweet spot, the Plutonic rewards can be incredible,” the source concludes.
Saturday, March 5, the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces. One of those stellar transits that astrologers eagerly await for all manner of life-planning events, when the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter’s home sign, the transit is especially auspicious. If you’d like to sow some new seeds of abundance, Sun conjunct Jupiter is an excellent opportunity to harness this expansive energy, reaffirming the New Moon’s dreamy, manifestational bandwidth. Moreover, since Neptune is also in this sign, a Piscean Stellium forms with the Sun and Jupiter as the Moon transits this sign from March 1-3. “A superior conjunction that asks you to trust in your infinite abundance and connect with your deeper imaginative and intuitive soul,” says Peru and Rabbit Spirit, “it’s also a call to embrace understanding and compassion, as you move away from an old life paradigm into a new one of your choosing.”
The weekend wraps as Venus and Mars meet at 0° Aquarius on Sunday, March 6. The second conjunction between the two planets this year, since this one occurs in a different sign it comes with a completely different vibration. If on February 16 it was Mars that overtook Venus when in serious, hierarchical Capricorn, asserts astrobutterfly.com, this time, in freedom, equality-loving Aquarius, it is “Venus that kisses Mars in a ‘make love, not war’ statement.” Associated with new beginnings, interestingly, 0° was the same degree mark of the Great Conjunction from December 2020. “If Jupiter and Saturn spoke for collective developments [then],” the source explains, “the Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals, get to shape the collective.” Finally, now that Venus and Mars have joined Mercury and Saturn in Aquarius, an Aquarian Stellium begins for the next eight days!
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Does this message resonate? Tell us more in the comments below. To add more detail to your week, you can also try your own theriomancic draw. Set an intention or ask a question. Then let go, and see what animal comes shows up. Now research its animal spirit symbolism. How does the symbolism inform your question? Want help interpreting what you found? Book a reading with me now: www.readingsbytheladyofshalott.com/services.