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Lapis Lazuli Spirit


Updated: May 4, 2022

8-14 November 2021

The weekly astro-oracle is a lithomancic message:

Lapis Lazuli Spirit

Image Credit: untiled image of Lapis Lazuli minerals by gracielazerpaurbina of

What is lithomancy? Lithomancy is a form of divination by which the future is told using stones or the reflected light from the stones. Individual crystal spirit oracles also have rich symbolism, which some animists believe may be accessed by tuning into the oversoul of the crystal. Hay House authors Colette Baron Reid and Heather Askinosie have popularized this practice with their recent decks, The Crystal Spirits Oracle and Daily Crystal Inspiration.

I asked Spirit, what do all those who like and frequent this page need to know this week to stay in alignment with the highest good? Then I drew a crystal spirit oracle card. Some of the essential energies associated with Lapis Lazuli crystal include courage, consciousness co-creation, vibrational discernment, good judgement, and decision-making. “I am committed and decisive,” affirms Askinosie.

With a history as rich as it vibrant color, Lapis Lazuli pigmentation is so distinctive that it was actually named for its appearance which translates to “blue stone.” This crystal has connections to a number of cultures from the Ancient Chinese and Greek civilizations to the Persian Empire. In the Renaissance period, Lapis Lazuli crystal stone was often ground into blue paint. In powdered form, the stone was also used in blue eyeshadows in Ancient Egypt, most famously by Cleopatra. Compared to the dry, barren Egyptian landscape, some say this deep cobalt blue color was a spiritual contrast to their arid desert hues. The gold flecks were like stars in their night-time sky and by meditating on these colors they felt supernatural forces would transform their lives.

Crystal Life Technology adds that Lapis Lazuli is a stone of universal truth and initiation. Associated with the third, fifth and even the sixth chakras, it is very effective for communication and verbal expression as well as for helping to release stress when it comes to speaking out. In particular, the source recommends that those who work in journalism, psychology, and executive positions seek out Lapis Lazuli to help access wisdom, mental clarity, and good judgment.

As a talisman, the Lapis Lazuli crystal may also be carried for protection and self-mastery. It guards us from harm by absorbing negative energies and EMF radiation in our energy field. Since it also cleanses the aura, Lapis Lazuli balances forces around us so we can walk safely through a situation without leaking power. Use it to live freely and express your inner truths without worry.


As we start the week, the second and final Eclipse Season of 2021 now begins. According to Australian cosmologist Elizabeth Peru, Eclipse Seasons are the most profound and effective time of the year for achieving significant life breakthroughs, as the cosmic energetics make it easier to let go, catalyzing swift change. This week also brings the 11:11 ascension portal, a powerful gateway where “new life rooms present and one where the signs that we’re progressing along our life path will be everywhere!”

Although the Scorpio Stellium energies were already active last weekend, when Mercury joined the Sun and Mars in Scorpio, its conjunction with Mars is exact on Wednesday, November 10. The second time the two planets have met in their current synodic cycle, during the first Mercury and Mars conjunction on October 9, Mercury was retrograde in Libra. At that time, Mars ignited something inside of us, such as a new idea or ideal, explains, leaving it to Mercury to analyze and ponder. Now, “[one] Mercury-Pluto square later, Mercury has pretty much figured out the ‘why’ and he’s at the ‘how do I make it happen’ stage.” In the event the 'why' and 'how' are not yet apparent, more insight will come on November 28, when Mercury and the Sun meet in Sagittarius, just days before the Super New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in this same sign!

More to this effect, Peru observes that Mercury is urging us to bring through a greater clarity and succinctness with our words. “If you’ve been struggling to express yourself with authenticity, then you’ll love this influence… [as it] giv[es] you the impetus to follow through by taking action on what you’re verbally expressing.” While our mental acuity is high and we like discussion, according to Mars may make us rash with our judgments or impatiently interrupt interlocutors. Our short-sightedness and “prematurity could lead to disadvantages.” Lapis Lazuli Spirit empowers us to open up our vocal chords and engage in heartfelt communication: “Breathe deeply in and out of your throat and affirm that your voice speaks words of love, truth, and peace.”

Oh no—also on this day, both planets are square Saturn in Aquarius! According to, the square between Mercury and Saturn makes us greedy, suspicious, resentful, quarrelsome, and stubborn. Disputes, separations, and failure may occur, as well as blockages in our mental and spiritual bodies. Meanwhile, the square between Mars and Saturn makes us boisterous, rebellious, selfish, and uncontrolled. Bitter and hard during this two-day influence, we may experience fluctuations between overwork or laziness, and a lack of depth and thoroughness. As the blue stone of truth and initiation, Lapis Lazuli Spirit emboldens the spiritual warrior in us to balance being in our power with being in our head—truth, wisdom, and power can coexist!

On Thursday, November 11, it’s the annual 11:11 Gateway, a portal of advanced spiritual growth where ascension energies are activated. Peru associates this energy period with greater awakening to life or soul’s purpose as well as the ability to align our talents and skills more strongly with world service. “Doorways of inner perception open, as many are aligned with moving ahead,” she reflects in her Weekly Tip-Off Energy Forecast. “Choose the key life area that you’ve been building upon and working towards since 1:1 (January 1). Now you see a culmination of this energy.” When we see repeating 1s today, or any ascending number sequence receive it as a confirmation or a divine wink from the Universe. Since Lapis Lazuli is connected to the fifth chakra, as known as the co-creators channel where conscious choice aligns with intuition and wisdom, the crystal amplifies and reaffirms the potency of the portal.

As we near the weekend, the favorable trine between the Scorpio Sun and Retrograding Neptune in Pisces forms on Friday, November 12, awakening refined feelings and sensations, our good taste and love for beauty and art—even mysticism! Meanwhile, the unpredictable and unstable opposition between Mercury and Retrograding Uranus on Saturday, November 13, produces “potent cosmic energy [that] tests your resolve.” From this perspective, warns that we can be uncontrolled, quick-tempered, and irritable. While we are convinced of our views, during this challenging influence we cannot always implement our ideas they way we would like. We could also appear vain or inconstant in our environment. In love, we may confront our partner about the truth when we cannot tolerate truth-telling ourselves! Especially since our inner truth surges on this 11 Master Day, Peru and Lapis Lazuli Spirit advice “direct[ing] your communication wisely.”

Given that the first eclipse, a Micro Full Moon, Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will also be in a near conjunction to Retrograding Uranus on November 19, there is still time to pare back any extraneous concerns. Nudging us to start to tie up loose ends and to cleanse and clear the necessary life areas, the disruptive yet illuminating planet Uranus, Peru and Lapis Lazuli Spirit recommend handing our concerns over to Spirit. Indeed, the more release work we can do before the eclipse, the smoother this significant lunar event will unfold: “From now until November 19, you’re being given a window of opportunity to act. Use this information wisely. Be mature, spiritually smart and aware.”

Get Inspired

Does this message resonate? Tell us more in the comments below. To add more detail to your week, you can also try your own lithomancic draw. Set an intention or ask a question. Then let go, and see what crystal shows up. You may use a crystal divination deck or even choose from a physical bowl of stones. Now research its symbolism. How does the symbolism inform your question? Want help interpreting what you found? Book a reading with me today,

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