21-27 February 2022
The weekly astro-oracle is a theriomancic message:
Deer Spirit

Image Credit: Untitled image of a deer in the snow by castleguard of pixabay.com.
What is Theriomancy? Theriomancy or zoomancy is a form of divination that involves observation of the appearance and behavior of wild animals. Common forms of theriomancy include ailuromancy, the study of cat movements, and augury, the study of bird formations. Individual animal totem or spirit animals also have rich symbolism, which can be accessed by tuning into the oversoul of the animal. I asked Spirit, what do all those who frequent this blog need to know this week to stay in alignment with the highest good? Then, later that day, I glanced out the window and spotted a deer gently grazing in a small clearing on the periphery of the forest.
Hay House author Colette Baron-Reid’s Spirit Animal Oracle connects Deer Spirit with gentle, deft diplomacy and negotiation. Deer Spirit reminds us that we have the ability to be sure-footed and confident while showing humility and respect for others. When Deer Spirit presents itself we may find that our capacity for cool, calm and collected communication is heightened. If we embody the qualities of Deer Spirit we will do well, indeed, gaining the mutual respect of others and finding common ground that is pleasing to all. According to Baron-Reid, this oracle reminds us that “understanding others and their needs will be more powerful at this time than putting your own first. If you do that, you will be rewarded tenfold.” Deer Spirit teaches us that aligned action and heart-based leadership ensures fair and equitable negotiations in the highest good for all.
On Tuesday, February 22, it’s the 22222 Gateway. According to Australian cosmologist Elizabeth Peru this power day amplifies the qualities of “deeply resonant partnership… that ignites your soul and urges you to rise higher.” While ideal partnership may include working through some of the darker shadow aspects of our psyches, especially in light of planet Venus and Mars' present proximity to Pluto in Capricorn, “once the debris rises to the surface and you clean it up," observes Peru, “you’ll be left with clarity and an opportunity to begin anew, as the one and true you.” Nimble Deer Spirit invites us to notice any repeating signs and syncs that may occur today, for they are indicators of our readiness to attract our ideal partnership. Marla Kelly of Twinstrology adds that the 22222 Gateway helps us gather momentum to make our dreams come true!
Reinforcing this energy mid-week, two dreamy Neptune sextiles form with planets in Capricorn. On Wednesday, February 23, Mars sextile Neptune in Pisces increases our sensual desires making this an ideal time for love and romance. Since our mystical allure attracts those who are more in tune with our level of spiritual development, astrologyking.com says we may even call in a soulmate or sacred partner. Sensitive to the desires of others with ample soothing and healing energy to share, we may also enjoy being of service to them at this time. Peru adds that Mars’ impact may feel like an “internal heat rising up from your belly.” Since the gut is after all one of our intuitive centers, “acting on what feels right for you (and your well-being) is vital, because when you feel good everyone around you experiences a positive flow-on effect.” The source and Deer Spirit also inspire us to continue to look for ways of simplifying our daily life, so that we’re in the flow, rather than resistantly bucking the current.
Similarly, on Thursday, February 24, Venus sextile Neptune in Pisces also arouses our sensual and caring nature. A good time for passionate romantic encounters, according to astrologyking.com our increased empathy and magnetic allure attracts the genuine and authentic in others, again, quite possibly a soulmate or sacred partner. Peru adds that Venus is creating waves with Neptune, as our innermost desires now surface. The source and Deer Spirit encourage us to follow our heart, which is full of gentle strength and resolve. While our next steps are real and tangible, “they [still] call for you to take them with intuition and trust. As you leap ahead in your personal evolution, you’ll be breaking new ground” and, potentially, newer higher timelines!
Also on this day, astrosofa.com warns that Mercury in Capricorn square Uranus in Taurus can make us out of control, unpredictable, cranky, eccentric, quick-tempered, nervous, hasty, and fragmented. Impractical and stubbornly convinced of our opinions, plans cannot always be carried out. Since this energy may precipitate in hurried failures, sudden changes, incidents, and even accidents, be on the look out for Deer Spirit on the roadside! On a more empowering note, Peru adds that Uranus is helping us balance old karmic cycles. “[Especially] if you find yourself repeating actions that bring forth situations that cause painful lessons, then recognize this and do something to shift it. Recognition of the part you play is a vital first step.” Recognition allows us to see we have the power to make a different choice, thereby breaking free of old karmic patterns and achieving a transformative jump in spiritual consciousness.
This weekend, the post-shadow period of Mercury Retrograde now completes, as the Moon joins Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn for a brief 48 hours, reigniting the stellium energies from earlier this month. Meanwhile the orb between the other planets lessens as they near their triple conjunction, exact next week March 3-6. “A super conjunction that will draw all your attention to one particular part of your [natal] chart,” asserts astrobutterfly.com, “you may already feel the energy slowly building.” Since Venus, Mars and Pluto won’t meet again for another 250 years, the conjunction presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to face our shadow. “Awareness is key,” the source explains; “the more we listen to what the planets in Capricorn are trying to tell us, the easier the integration process is. The more we try to resist it, the more brutal the Plutonic awakening will be.”
Get Inspired
Does this message resonate? Tell us more in the comments below. To add more detail to your week, you can also try your own theriomancic draw. Set an intention or ask a question. Then let go, and see what animal comes shows up. Now research its animal spirit symbolism. How does the symbolism inform your question? Want help interpreting what you found? Book a reading with me now, www.readingsbytheladyofshalott.com/services.