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Deer Spirit

Updated: May 4, 2022

1-07 November 2021

The weekly astro-oracle is a theriomancic message:

Deer Spirit

Image Credit: Deer or Virginian Deer (Cervus Virginianus) from the viviparous quadrupeds of North America (1845) illustrated by John Woodhouse Audubon (1812-1862).Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by

What is Theriomancy? Theriomancy or zoomancy is a form of divination that involves observation of the appearance and behavior of wild animals. Common forms of theriomancy include ailuromancy, the study of cat movements, and augury, the study of bird formations. Individual animal totem or spirit animals also have rich symbolism, which can be accessed by tuning into the oversoul of the animal. I asked Spirit, what do all those who frequent this page need to know this week to stay in alignment with the highest good? Then, later that day, I glanced out the window and spotted a deer gently grazing in a small clearing on the periphery of the forest.

Colette Baron Reid’s Spirit Animal Oracle connects Deer Spirit with gentle, deft diplomacy and negotiation. Deer Spirit reminds us that we have the ability to be sure-footed and confident while showing humility and respect for others. When Deer Spirit present itself we may find that our capacity for cool, calm and collected communication is heightened. If we embody the qualities of Deer Spirit we will do well, indeed, gaining the mutual respect of others and finding common ground that is pleasing to all. According to Reid, this oracle reminds us that “understanding others and their needs will be more powerful at this time than putting your own first. If you do that, you will be rewarded tenfold.” Deer Spirit teaches us that aligned action and heart-based leadership ensures fair and equitable negotiations in the highest good for all.


As we enter the new month and start of the week, Australian cosmologist Elizabeth Peru notes that this is a special month because it brings the final eclipse season of the year, as well as the first Super New Moon. “During this eleventh month of ‘your world service’ you can expect to be elevated to your highest life path, leaving behind [old] fears and insecurities.” An awkward albeit necessary part of the global ascension process during November, “You can do it!” assert the source and Deer Spirit.

On Tuesday, November 2, the dynamic and strained square between Mercury in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn mingles with the favorable, thought-out orb between Mercury and Mars in Scorpio. While “both sides are obvious and perceptible,” according to, “characteristics of this constellation [also] spell waywardness and self-will.” Diplomatic Deer Spirit advocates a happy medium—lest “overeagerness could [result in] errors and action slips!” Since Mercury also completes the post-shadow period of its recent retrograde today, release is a core personal theme. While we may be experiencing an admixture of emotions, “[we]’ve come through this retrograde season wiser and more in the flow because of [our] authentic actions,” Peru explains. Having accessed our truth, now Spirit asks us to implement it with authenticity and integrity. Rather than wait until Mercury goes retrograde again next year, Deer Spirit empowers us to become a direct and heartfelt communicator now!

Thursday, November 4, we have our New Moon in Scorpio. Not only are the Moon and the Sun in this sign, since Mars is also in Scorpio, the sign of its domicile, the manifestional power of this lunar event is amplified! In fact, by the end of the week, when Mercury joins the Sun and Mars in this sign we’ll have a triple conjunction, or Scorpio Stellium. “This is an extremely driven New Moon that won’t take no for an answer!” emphasizes With that said, since the New Moon is opposite Retrograding Uranus, the great cosmic disrupter, “even the most minutious, well concocted Scorpio plans c[ould] be unraveled” the source warns. Expect the unexpected, but also note that outer planets tend to know best. Indeed, what may feel like an unwelcome change of plans could be the best solution yet!

What with the Super New Moon and Retrograding Uranus closest to Earth today, our spiritual quest deepens: “expect situations to move quickly, particularly if you’re ready for swift outcomes. Karmic justice prevails under this light. Trust…” attests Peru. The first Super New Moon of 2021, it won’t be the last, for the Sagittarian new moon on December 4 will also be a Super Full Moon—and for that matter a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse! There’s a distinct and palatable personal theme emerging under this Super New Moon. Over the coming 48 hours, “dive into your inner truth and honor your feelings, thoughts, dreams and plans” the source empowers us with Deer Spirit; “Champion yourself.”

As we near the weekend, the Scorpion Stellium begins to form as Mercury leaves Libra on Friday, November 5. Since Mercury retrograded in this sign where it had been stationed since August 30, Deer Spirit reminds us that we’ve gotten used to Libra’s diplomatic ways; thus, Mercury’s ingress into the intense sign of Scorpio may feel like quite a challenge at first. “Unlike Mercury in Libra, Mercury in Scorpio is not interested in being nice, or in reaching consensus” explains; favoring meaningful discussions and connections, Mercury in Scorpio wants to get to the bottom of things! Indeed, this comparatively swift three-week transit invites us to speak our truth, say what we mean, and mean what we say. adds that we strengthen our sense of the occult during this transit, perhaps uncovering a secret or two. Intuition and purposeful thinking are encouraged!

Also on this day, Venus enters Capricorn. Believe it or not, since Venus will retrograde in this sign, it will remain here until March 6, 2022. That’s four whole months of Venus in Capricorn – when Venus ordinarily only spends one month in a single sign. adds that when Venus is in Capricorn, we become serious, melancholic, and jealous. Calculating in affairs of the mind and heart, we are ambitious and eager for recognition and honor. There may be strong passions, but inhibitions may also occur. Since Venus, Mars and Pluto will ultimately line up in a “fatal love affair” forcing us to get real about what we truly desire. Buckle up—December 19-January 29, 2022 is going to be an extremely intense Venus retrograde!

Finally, the sextile between Mercury in Scorpio and Venus in Capricorn on Saturday, November 6 makes us kind, cheerful, stimulating, friendly, eloquent, and adaptable; imaginative, inspired, and exhilarated. Our creative energy awakens, as well as our sense of design, thus literature, the fine arts, or even the appreciation of nature such as Deer Spirit may appeal! Peru adds that now that the Sun, Mars, and Mercury are all in Scorpio, the pre-eclipse season begins this weekend under a Scorpio Stellium. “Inner truth will vent!” she asserts; “expect high level insights and ‘AHA’ moments to flow this weekend.”

Get Inspired

Does this message resonate? Tell us more in the comments below. To add more detail to your week, you can also try your own theriomancic draw. Set an intention or ask a question. Then let go, and see what animal comes shows up. Now research its animal spirit symbolism. How does the symbolism inform your question? Want help interpreting what you found? Book a reading with me now,

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