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About Divine Timing

‘All things in divine, appropriate timing’ has become an increasingly popular affirmation in New Age spirituality. But what does that really mean?! The short answer to the question is divine timing is when we vibrationally align with our desire, it manifests in our physical reality. With that said, divine timing is always cyclical rather than linear, vertical rather than horizontal, and is always already occurring NOW in the continuous present. Wait what?!

In Pre-Raphaelite painter Arthur Hughes’ The Long Engagement (1854-59), a curate and his fiancée are represented in a woodland setting. The title refers to the middle class social conventions of the time, in particular that of the woman’s parents not permitting her marriage to a poorly paid curate until after he had secured a more remunerative position within the church hierarchy. Meanwhile, the woman is depicted looking at her own name, AMY, once carved into the trunk of the tree as an expression of their love, now gathering lichen, moss, and ivy! While English writer and newspaper columnist A.N. Wilson has interpreted the painting as a social commentary on "ethereal youthful passion becoming lost to worldly capitalist demands," there are, of course, other vibrational reasons why the woman may remain waiting indefinitely.

Image credit: Arthur Hughes, The Long Engagement, 1854 (Museum: Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery)

...there is a fine line between waiting and allowing. Since we can only manifest to the extent to which we can allow, waiting for external conditions to change is to wait in vain...

While conditions such as negative vibrational atmosphere and other situational factors such as collective or historical trauma, adverse childhood experiences (ACE), subconscious wounds, ancestral and/or past life karma can certainly slow down divine timing, there is a fine line between waiting and allowing. Since we can only manifest to the extent to which we can allow, waiting for external conditions to change is to wait in vain like the forlorn fiancee in the painting. Indeed, in order to align with the outcome we seek, we have to get into the unconditions long enough to effect a change—long enough, as defined by Abraham-Hicks as “not some of the time and not all of the time, but most of the time.”

While major astrological aspects, moon cycles, planetary retrogrades, and portal days may also influence divine timing, the ‘art of allowing’ is a more empowering model because internal shifts are something we do have control over. While not necessarily on our ego mind's timeline, to some extent then, divine timing is really a myth because when we find the energetic block and heal, so too may we align with our results. From the outside, this may appear to occur spontaneously, even miraculously. Whether or not we are aware of it, however, manifesting is always an inside job. What is out-picturing in our outer world is a direct reflection of how we feel about ourselves and our goal on the inside. some extent then, divine timing is really a myth because when we find the energetic block and heal, so too may we align with our results!

Especially as this pertains to relationships, the manifestational process starts to make more sense when we add energy polarity to the equation: we all have inner masculine (yang) and inner feminine (yin) energies. When the two are discordant or out of balance, it makes things very difficult to consistently manifest. Waiting for something to change is passive, while allowing guidance to come in is receptive. Passive energy (distorted feminine) repels, while receptive energy (divine feminine) attracts. Similarly, domineering or pushy energy (distorted masculine) repels, while direction and leadership (divine masculine) attracts.

So what is the couple in the painting doing wrong, you might ask? Despite the artist’s emphatic use of sumptuous textures and saturated color palette, we’re not feeling the love because the couple is not connecting emotionally, thereby delaying divine timing. Indeed, there’s a palpable sense of dissatisfaction and disappointment, of wishes unfulfilled. The woman, AMY, is stuck in the past, ruminating over the carving, while her fiancé is disengaged, perhaps distracted by his present misfortunes or staring into the future. Their clasped hands, meanwhile, represent the promise of their engagement, a promise that perhaps can no longer be kept. While there is some conventional wisdom in the Victorian proverb, 'patience is a virtue,' at the same time, in a more modern quote attributed to Einstein, Ford, and even Tony Robbins, "if you always do what you're always done, you always get what you've always gotten." That's just basic karmic law; accordingly, in order for the couple to transform fate into destiny, they must be prepared to alter their actions to achieve a different outcome.

While the masculine and feminine is one polarity which may be slowing things down, the other polarity to consider is heaven and earth, the celestial and the terrestrial. It is no mistake that HEART and EARTH are anagrams. Like the Magician or Alchemist in the tarot deck with his wand raised to the sky as though a lightening rod, one must also practice bringing heaven to earth by anchoring, integrating, embodying, indeed ‘oneing’ the vibration of what we desire. Here, the heavens and upper chakras may be correlated to the head, and earth and the lower chakras may be correlated to the heart. When these two polarities are harmonized, so too may we enter a state of coherence, and ultimately access to the Quantum field of opportunity, whereby the guidance, sudden insight, and epiphany float in, and the impossible, or it may be ‘impassable,’ now becomes possible!

It is no mistake that HEART and EARTH are anagrams. Like the Magician or Alchemist in the tarot deck with his wand raised to the sky as though a lightening rod, one must practice bringing heaven to earth by anchoring, integrating, embodying, indeed ‘oneing’ the vibration of what we desire.

For some, a simple mindfulness meditation practice is enough to quiet the thinking mind and produce inner peace and wellness, which gradually leads to a better lifestyle. For larger ticket items, such as that elusive sacred partner, soul-aligned mission/career, or healing an autoimmune disease, however, it may also be necessary to attune and activate the heart chakra. Why? Because the heart is more magnetic than the mind; in fact, the HeartMath Institute says up 100x more! In Becoming Supernatural (2017) Dr. Joe Dispenza points out that the heart must also be “blessed” and calibrated to the frequency of elevated emotions such as courage, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, peace, and love to add momentum or to speed up divine timing. Accordingly, if one could silence their mind, drop into their heart, and sustain that state of emotional expansion most of the time their desire would be magnetized to them effortlessly!

If the heart chakra is blocked, we won’t be able to stay in our heart for very long before we ‘code out.’ The Emotion and Body Code has even come up with a provocative term to describe this phenomenon called a “Heart-Wall”.

The other caveats here are that money is neutral and that objects don’t have wills of their own, thus material things are substantially easier to manifest than people. Indeed, with relationships, free will is a contributing and deciding factor. Another factor, as noted before is trauma. If the heart chakra is blocked, we won’t be able to stay in our heart for very long before we ‘code out.’ The Emotion and Body Code has even come up with a provocative new term to describe this phenomenon called a “Heart-Wall." Made up of a collection of trapped emotions which are wrapped, layer-by-layer, around the heart, founder Dr. Bradley Nelson has defined the Heart-Wall as a protective shield of energy the subconscious mind forms to keep the heart safe from grievous injury. While manifesting a specific person subliminal audio meditations and white-magic based rituals have become increasingly popular, in my experience as a clairaudient empath and multidimensional healer these only work if you have cleared your Heart-Wall, and if you have a soul contract with the person in question.

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