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Is it Intuition or Is it Fear?

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

We’ve all had that dreaded pit in the bottom of the stomach before. Perhaps you’re standing on the precipice of a big life change or major life decision, and fear the new or the unknown. In terms of relationships, perhaps you’re letting your head rule your heart. Our gut reaction is our internal guidance system’s way of telling us that something’s not quite right. Therefore our thinking mind takes the presentiment to be a red flag, prematurely concluding that since the change or action we’re contemplating doesn’t feel right that it must be ‘bad’ or ‘wrong,’ right?! Not necessarily… let’s unpack this common pre-manifestational pitfall.

To complicate matters further, conventional wisdom tells us to ‘trust our gut.’ While our gut is one of our intuitive centers, along with our heart and third eye, interestingly, it is also the energy center associated with shame. Accordingly, something could feel more premonitory than inspired if our solar plexus chakra were blocked by shame, which happens to be one of the lowest vibrations on Dr. David R. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness. While positive expression of this energy center celebrates elevated emotions like confidence, vitality, empowerment, and willpower, this chakra may also be underactive or even blocked if we’re not taking action towards our intentions because we’re paralyzed by fear. Indeed, we may become cowardly, or ‘yellow,’ the very color associated with the solar plexus. Like Schulz’s wishy-washy Charlie Brown character who twists his peanut butter sandwich into a gnarly knot over the little red-headed girl, our energy system may become so overloaded in the process that we shutdown. In fact, when there is stored trauma in the heart, our gut reaction may also be accompanied by other heightened sensory reactions like shallow breathing, sweaty palms and feet, and heart palpitations, turning potential suitors into abominations!

Image credit: Edward Robert Hughes, Whispers on the Wind, 1911 (England, 1851-1914). Nephew of Pre-Raphaelite artist, Arthur Hughes.

Of course, all that 'stinking thinking' can also occlude the third eye chakra, our main intuitive center, producing an unwanted vibrational atmosphere, sleepless nights, and stubborn cycles of mental-emotional anguish. According to law of attractions gurus Abraham-Hicks, if we think a negative thought for more than 17 seconds, it gains momentum and precipitates in negative emotion in turn out-picturing into our life circumstances. As negative emotion gains traction, it can negatively spiral into dark moods, hopelessness, and despair, which may be amplified by dark energies, discordant thought forms, and broader morphogenetic fields. At this level of victim consciousness, our egoic defenses take over and distinguishing between intuition and fear would be a moot point because we're now entirely out of range!

While the only constant in life is change, the egoic mind often resists change because change compromises its ability to stay in control. Changes to its emotional equilibrium and wherewithal can make it feel vulnerable as they challenge its ability to maintain the status quo. Accordingly, sometimes that bottomless pit we feel in our stomach is actually our fear of the unknown. Our fear that if we step outside our comfort zone and trust our intuition that something bad will happen, that we’ll lose control, or that our carefully calculated world as we know it will implode. Although some of that gut reaction, of course, is instinctual, biological, evolutionary, as our animalian forbears would fear their predators, curiously much of the modern world has since mastered its environment yet still defaults to survival mode. Our busy, hectic, work-a-day lifestyle may even promulgate stress and adrenaline-addiction. Not only does chronic stress ultimately lead to chronic disease, Dr. Joe Dispenza has pointed out that at the end of the day it leaves us with very little energy leftover to create something new. In short, we resist change because our reptilian brains are wired to ‘fight, flight, or freeze’; it’s a vicious cycle. In order to create something new, we need to learn to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, whereby we ‘rest and digest.’ This allows us to anchor deeper states of relaxation, delta, theta, even gamma brain waves, which are ultimately associated with more expanded states of consciousness, and thereby intuition.

Although some of that gut reaction, of course, is instinctual, biological, evolutionary, as our animalian forbears would fear their predators, curiously much of the modern world has since mastered its environment yet still defaults to survival mode.

With that said, it's not always as simple as a daily seated meditation practice, pumping ourselves up with positive affirmations, integrating more self-care, or taking that one pesky aligned action step which we've been putting off. Some of us may have much further to go on our manifestational journeys. We may be special learners with specific learning disabilities; have sustained Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) from broken or dysfunctional households; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from military service or incarceration. We may be mature and advanced souls who have inherited centuries of cultural oppression and historical trauma from our ancestral lineages. Our gut reaction today may also be a complex trauma response from past life experience traumas where we have jumped the gun or stormed the torpedoes. Public torture or humiliation may have caused us to distrust or hate ourselves, the other gender, or even God. While these are just some of a myriad of examples, more advanced souls may also carry psychic wounds and persecution trauma from past religious lifetimes where we've abused our power or revoked our psychic gifts; past military lifetimes where we’ve deserted, and we’ve been executed for treason. Perhaps our past life spouse committed suicide or died of a terminal illness, abandoning and burdening us with a family to raise on our own. We may also be running self-punishment programs that manifest as secret patterns of self-sabotage, the ultimate ego defense mechanism!

Our gut reaction today may also be a complex trauma response from past life experience traumas where we have jumped the gun or stormed the torpedoes... persecution trauma from past religious lifetimes where we've abused our power or revoked our psychic gifts.

After we transition, all of this wounding and trauma is uploaded from the subconscious mind to the Akashic Records tied to our soul’s personal history. Each time we incarnate again this stored accumulation of discordant energy is brought forward through our chakra column, and other parts of our energy system until we (re)balance our karmic debts and learn our soul’s lessons. While we can continue to unconsciously g(r)o(w) through the incarnational experience, reencountering those same souls whom we have harmed or who have harmed us, out-picturing unresolved karma into 3D life circumstances is now a comparably slower way of healing than going directly into soul records to transmute the pain into high consciousness. Unity minister Robert Detzler who channeled a multidimensional healing system called Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) explained that the more resolve a soul has to clear its discordant energies, the less reason it has to continue to incarnate. Moreover, since the coming of the Information Age, and with it the portability and increased access to audio healing resources, some energy healers now make the claim that one can clear all one's programs in a few year's time!

While working through karma and clearing energy is 50% of manifestation, the other 50% is conscious work, leading to the next right action steps we take to consciously co-create the reality we seek. As we go about creating this new reality, another factor is empathy overload and morphogenetic fields of collective consciousness. The solar plexus chakra is also the energy center by which we receive information from the outside world around us. Sensory information is recorded by our subtle energy bodies before it enters our chakra column, and potentially, the corresponding organs, tissues, and glands in our physical body. Therefore, if our vibrational, emotional, or energetic boundaries with others are too porous we can start to pick up on their negative emotion. According to Detzler, our souls can even be running programs to pick up their discordant energies, including vows or contracts to be savior or a messiah. Especially if we identify as an empath, we may be overly sensitive to others’ energy, thus when we contemplate taking an action towards someone we care about, it may not even entirely be our own energy that we’re feeling. Isn’t that wild?!

Especially if we identify as an empath, we may be overly sensitive to others’ energy, thus when we contemplate taking an action towards someone we care about, it may not even entirely be our own energy that we’re feeling. Isn’t that wild?!

“There’s nothing to fear but fear itself”are famous words spoken by American President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his historic 1933 inaugural speech when the nation was in the throes of the Great Depression, a time of "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." This is a brilliant strategic insight, for so often it’s not even the fear that is sponsoring our (in)action; it’s the (over)thinking about the fear which is capable of building even the smallest, simplest step into an impossible, insurmountable feat. More recently, Abraham-Hicks has observed that it’s not even the improved life we’re asking for that we’re afraid of; what we’re afraid of is asking for something, and not getting it. "But that can only happen if you want it and focus in opposition to it, by doubting it," the source continues. Similarly, spiritual author and activist Marianne Williamson has affirmed, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us."

To unpack this further, next time you feel resistance prior to taking action, Hay House author and oracle card teacher extraordinaire Colette Baron-Reid suggests drawing an oracle card in answer to the question, “Is this mine?” If the card comes out in protection, or in the reverse, chances are it’s more the other person’s energy than your own. If this is the case, you can simply ask to return the energy to the sender with loving compassion. This helps depersonalize and normalize a potentially heightened emotional experience. Another technique which may be helpful is to ground and center yourself, get out a pendulum, and consulting a number chart, ask your high(er) self, angel, and guide team a series of check questions: "What percentage of the fear I feel is mine? What percentage of the fear I feel is the other person? And what percentage belongs to a morphogenic field, i.e, collective fear, collective doubt, collective judgement, adverse astrological influences, etc.?" The answers may surprise you. For example, earlier on my twin flame journey, before I had done much multidimensional healing work on our connection, I learned that as much as 80% of the fear I would feel when contemplating an action belonged to him or was being amplified by broader collective fields of energy!

Okay, so is there ever a time when the fear is telling us to not take action?! Check your motivations—as Socrates once inquired, "Is it true; is it kind, or is it necessary?" Does it help you further your cause? Especially if the fear arises when you're taking action upon guidance you received from a high vibrational disk, you're much more likely to be overthinking it than manifesting a saber-toothed tiger escaped from the zoo! While an SRT practitioner might suggest that you have some animal energy to clear, most of the modern world doesn't live with that imminent threat anymore. In New Age Spirituality, fear has been reduced to the following acrostic… False Evidence Appearing Real. As Abraham-Hicks would put it, fear is but the immediate vibrational feedback from our inner being that the thought we’re thinking isn’t in alignment with the Truth of our being, the ultimate Truth being that All is One and that All is Love, and that I AM that. I AM Love.

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