Past Event/Past Life Regression
Service Description
The Akashic Records (AR) represents an archives of the entire universe. All of our memories from past and even future lifetimes are stored here. It is accessible in the higher dimensions in consultation with our higher selves, spirit guides, ascended masters and/or archangels. Each remote energy clearing session described below comes with detailed notes, and one free follow-up email for you to ask questions. Have a pattern of behavior that seems to keep fatefully repeating as though a recurring dream? This may have its root in a traumatic past event from this lifetime, i.e., early childhood trauma, untimely death or loss of a parent, abandonment wounding, emotional or sexual abuse, or it may go back further to an historical or experience trauma from another lifetime, parallel universe, dimension, or reality. This trauma can be researched in the AR, healed, and then rewritten in consultation with your guide team. Energy work is usually completed late at night while the client(s) rest, with notes provided within 3-5 days of booking.
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