20-26 September 2021
The weekly astro-oracle is a theriomancic message:
Dragonfly Spirit

Image Credit: Three Dragonflies (1575–1580) painting in high resolution by Joris Hoefnagel. Original from The National Gallery of Art. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.
What is theriomancy? Theriomancy or zoomancy is a form of divination that involves observation of the appearance and behavior of wild animals. Common forms of theriomancy include ailuromancy, the study of cat movements, and augury, the study of bird formations. While ailuromancy appears to be more fixed than other systems of divination, with some going so far as to interpret the cat’s color or actions, individual animal totem or spirit animals also have rich symbolism, which can be accessed by tuning into the oversoul of the animal.
I asked Spirit, what do all those who frequent this page need to know this week to stay in alignment with the highest good? Then I went out for a walk and noticed a large dragonfly resting on the side of the road. I knelt down to take a closer look, alas I didn’t have my camera on hand. Later, while visiting a nature preserve, I noticed another one land beside me on a boardwalk railing.
Dragonfly Spirit is all about transformation and metamorphosis. It comes into our lives to inspire us to make the changes necessary to radiate more light to the world. Those with this animal totem are able to influence the world around them positively. The nimbleness of dragonfly gives us the flexibility and adaptability to survive in this competitive world. Dragonfly Spirit also encourages us continue to clarify our highest intentions, thereby amplifying their manifestational power.
Hay House author Colette Baron-Reid adds that Dragonfly Spirit’s reflective wings and body reminds us to pay attention to the truth beyond the illusion by recognizing the insights that come seemingly out of nowhere. In the non-physical/Spirit realm, there is far more wisdom than we can perceive with our five senses alone; in fact, there is a deep knowing that we are never separate or alone. Fears dissipate as we remember we are connected to a Higher Power with whom we are always in communion and communication.
As we start the week, according to Australian cosmologist Elizabeth Peru the upcoming Full Moon and Global Equinox are calling us to take action. Active until Wednesday, September 23, Venus remains in orb with Saturn and Uranus, a throwback to the fixed T-square we had in July when Venus was in Leo. “If back in July, Venus in Leo’s dramatic displays of emotions aired out the tension, [now] Venus in Scorpio will deal with it all by herself,” explains astrobutterfly.com; “sometimes we need an implosion-like intensity to gain clarity on what really matters, and what needs to change.” Peru adds that powerhouse cosmic influencers Venus and Retrograding Saturn are drawing us within to deeply acknowledge and reclaim our inner authority; indeed, we are the “pivot point of all creation.” To make the most of today’s “life wave and cosmic energetics,” the source and Dragonfly Spirit encourage an “empowered and elevated presence” to fully embrace the natural regality that we were born with.
Monday, September 20, we have our Full Moon in Pisces. Conjunct Neptune and opposite Mars, astrobutterfly.com calls it a “sweet and spicy” celestial event. As with any Full Moon, the source explains, the Full Moon in Pisces aims to reconcile the complementary energies of the two signs on the axis, in this case, the otherworldliness of Moon and Neptune in Pisces with the leadership and action of the Sun and Mars on the cusp of Virgo. Astrosofa.com adds that the conjunction between Moon and Retrograding Neptune can make us dreamy, passive, and unbalanced. On account of our heightened sensitivity, we prefer isolation today, and may not be so exact with the truth. Meanwhile, the Moon’s opposition to feisty Mars in Libra makes us excitable, belligerent, or hasty. As a result, the source warns of disagreement with the opposite sex and suppressed emotion precipitating in unconscious acts of passion.
According to Peru, the magnetic pull of the Full Moon is calling us to apply ourselves and act with maturity and self-responsibility. “In order to do this, you may need to be quiet first,” Peru explains; “compressing your energy is a powerful practice that enables you to rise higher when you do move ahead.” Over the next 24 hours, the source and Dragonfly Spirit empower us to let go of over-control; “indeed, soul is guiding you ahead, and… you’re trusting in this.” More to this effect, the favorable trine between Mercury in Libra and Retrograding Jupiter in Aquarius on this same day, gives us a cheerful and optimistic outlook. Under this favorable influence, we are equitable, generous, and sociable with a fertile imagination and an intense thirst for knowledge.
The Sun enters Libra on Wednesday, September 22, marking the Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). No matter where one lives on Earth, the day is equal to the night. Indeed, Libra’s highest ideals, equality, balance and peace, are achieved when we begin to accept and appreciate personal differences— “When we see others not as a means to some sort of personal gratification, not as a reflection of ourselves, but as individuals in their own right,” explains astrobutterfly.com. The source and Dragonfly Spirit encourage us to make the most of Libra season by opening up to others, putting the “we” before “me” to achieve win-win outcomes.
Peru adds that because the Autumnal Equinox comes right on heels of the Full Moon, it presents an opportune moment to rebalance our purpose. Producing a crescendo of cosmic energy which allows us to integrate all of our personal insights and answers that have been drawn out of us since Vernal Equinox, powerful planetary influences now encourage us to take the next step. The source and Dragonfly Spirit inspire us to “align with the full strength of love as you honor your path.” Meanwhile, the dynamic and strained square between Mercury in Libra and Retrograding Pluto in Capricorn mingles with the thought-out, positive influence of Mercury and Mars in Libra. While both sides are obvious and perceptible, astrosofa.com also cautions against “waywardness and self-will. Perhaps you overestimate your personal preferences. Overeagerness could release errors and action slips.”
On Thursday, September 23, unstable relationships now crumble as Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. We are either very stubborn and standoffish or entirely lose ourselves in exciting, flirtatious experiences or sparking affairs, warns astrosofa.com. On a more uplifting note, Peru asserts that Venus’ waves of high-vibration energy strengthens “your resolve to follow through with the lifestyle changes that will see you reverting back to your natural flow.” In combination with the Equinox and nimble Dragonfly Spirit, we’re given the cosmic push to reclaim our power by taking action today. As we enter the weekend, the favorable trine between Mars in Libra and Retrograding Saturn in Aquarius, starting Saturday, September 25, helps us further this cause. Providing high energy, good health and vitality, enthusiasm, entrepreneurship, and professional success, during this two-day influence, we make happy decisions in the emotional field!
Get Inspired
Does this message resonate? Tell us more in the comments below. To add more detail to your week, you can also try your own theriomancic draw. Set an intention or ask a question. Then let go, and see what animal comes shows up. Now research its animal spirit symbolism. How does the symbolism inform your question? Want help interpreting what you found? Book a reading with me now, www.readingsbytheladyofshalott.com/services.