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Buzzard Spirit


Updated: May 4, 2022

27 September-03 October 2021

The weekly astro-oracle is a theriomancic message:

Buzzard Spirit

Image Credit: 13. The Red-shoudered Buzzard (Buteo hyemalis) 14. The Golden Eagle (Aquila Chrysaëtos) illustration from Zoology of New York (1842–1844) by James Ellsworth De Kay. Original from The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

What is theriomancy? Theriomancy or zoomancy is a form of divination that involves observation of the appearance and behavior of wild animals. Common forms of theriomancy include ailuromancy, the study of cat movements, and augury, the study of bird formations. While augury appears to be more fixed than other systems of divination, with some sources going as far as to interpret the direction of the birds’ flight, calls, and times of day, individual animal totem or spirit animals also have rich symbolism, which can be accessed by tuning into the oversoul of the animal.

I asked Spirit, what do all those who frequent this page need to know this week to stay in alignment with the highest good? Then I went out for a walk and rendezvoused with eight buzzards gliding gracefully overhead. When I went out to run errands the next day, I also noticed several more flying over the highway. Then, this morning, I drew Vulture Spirit from Hay House author Colette Baron-Reid’s spirit animal oracle deck, reminding us that “nothing is wasted.”

These large hawklike birds of prey, known as turkey vulture, turkey buzzard, or by some just as buzzard, are scavengers, meaning they prey on things dead or dying. While most traditions associate them with death and misery, these winged creatures are also clever and careful. Since they leave nothing behind, like decomposers, they are considered natural purifiers of the Earth. They have interesting and inspiring traits connecting them with spiritual energy and totemism; transmutation and alchemy!

Often depicted as messengers of the underworld, superstition about vultures is present in many cultures and traditions as a harbinger of death, disease, or foreboding some other kind of misfortune. While all traditional portrayals of vultures depict them as creatures of darkness and mystery, they have also been closely related to divine power and wisdom. According to Ancient Persian folklore, two great vultures guarded the entrance of Hell, while in Greek mythology, vultures were seen as keepers of secret lore about death and life. For Ancient Egyptians, vultures were birds of the gods and regarded as powerful and magical.


As we start the week, Mercury begins its third and final retrograde of the year, joining the retrograde line-up. According to Australian cosmologist Elizabeth Peru, this influence asks us to love being personally responsible; indeed, with seven planetary retrogrades for the next 9-10 days, “this is the peak of retrograde season, giving you every assistance to gain clarity on old patterns that have kept you stuck.” To provide a more focused window into what we’ll personally be working at this time, the source adds that Retrograding Mercury will be governed by the events and key life themes that arose in our lives from September 6, when Mercury entered its pre-shadow phase, until now. Buzzard Spirit reminds us that these key personal themes will be what we’re reflecting upon, resolving and releasing, until the planet goes direct again on October 18.

When Mercury goes retrograde in Libra, Monday, September 27, it’s an ideal time to “re-flect, re-assess, re-evaluate, “RE” any Libra stuff, mainly our re-lationships” asserts As humans we are social creatures, the source continues: “the OTHER is much more than a partner; it is a mirror. If we didn’t relate to others, we would live delusional, catatonic lives.” Accordingly, Mercury retrograde in Libra is our opportunity to do the Libra work, so we can have more honest, balanced, and fulfilling relationships. As we begin a three-week period during which open and authentic heart-based communication is the main energy theme, “be ready to accelerate… within all inter-personal relationships,” adds Peru. The source and purifying Buzzard Spirit emphasize this “robust opportunity for a complete overhaul of how articulate your dialogue can be.”

Starting Wednesday, September 29, two favorable trines form with Venus and the Sun. Venus in Scorpio trine Retrograding Neptune in Pisces gives us a refined emotional life. Receptive to art, beauty, music, love during this two-day influence, we loathe the coarse and ordinary. Peru adds that “Venus is creating a hypnotic cosmic dance with [Retrograding] Neptune as your innermost secrets and hidden drives now come to the fore. The message is clear. You can give life to the ideas that are filling your imagination.” Now that we know our ideas are valid and true, to make them real and tangible we must take our next action steps. “No matter how small those steps are,” emphasizes Peru, “take them with intention, as personal reward comes your way.” While the momentum we build may create resistance in the process, the source and Buzzard Spirit empower us to “see any resistance, doubt or uncertainty as a sign. It means that you’re forging ahead. Soul is directing the view into your future window today.”

Meanwhile, the Sun in Libra trine Retrograding Saturn in Aquarius provides great strength and success, steadiness, sobriety, and self-confidence. Since we achieve our goals with perseverance, orderliness, and tenacity, notes that we can manage and organize large business ventures. According to Peru this influence invites us to “consider that your cosmic nature is one of flow and order, which truly is life-led at its very best.” Over the next 24 hours, the source and Buzzard Spirit empower us to approach everything with love and careful consideration: “Increase your awareness and apply a concerted effort. See how far you can extend yourself, as you recognize that by accepting personal responsibility, your life can more effortlessly unfold.”

With the square between Venus and Retrograding Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday, September 30, carelessness and rushes in love affairs could occur. cautions against “negligence, a lack of correctness, disharmonious relationships, separated love, and loss in women.” With that said, Buzzard Spirit reminds us that nothing is wasted, for Mother Nature proffers a compassionate prosperity. Indeed, what may have seemed rotten or ugly has the potential to be transmuted into something beneficial!

Friday, October 1, the dynamic and strained square between Retrograding Mercury in Libra and Retrograding Pluto in Capricorn mingles with the thoughtful, positive influence of Mercury and Mars in Libra. “[Although] both sides are obvious and perceptible,” according to, “characteristics of this constellation [could also] spell waywardness and self-will.” We may overestimate our personal preferences, the source warns; and overeagerness could result in “errors and action slips.” Instead of hiding or reacting to these triggers, alchemical Buzzard Spirit empowers us transmute them into higher consciousness, embracing the opportunity for deeper self-reflection. Indeed, as Baron-Reid writes about Vulture Spirit, “No pain was in vain and no experience was wasted, for you have the power to use it to co-create something far better. This is the miracle in your partnership with Spirit.”

Two favorable aspects uplift our spirits over the weekend. Saturday, October 2, the sextile between Venus and Retrograding Pluto proffers passion and good fortune. We are open-minded in our friendships and social connections, and our attractiveness exudes a serene vibrational atmosphere. Meanwhile, the trine between Mercury and Retrograding Jupiter on Sunday, October 3, gives us a cheerful and optimistic outlook on life. According to we are influential, fair, generous, and sociable. Our talent for speech, knack for organizational skills, and expansive imagination set us up for success today!

Get Inspired

Does this message resonate? Tell us more in the comments below. To add more detail to your week, you can also try your own theriomancic draw. Set an intention or ask a question. Then let go, and see what animal comes shows up. Now research its animal spirit symbolism. How does the symbolism inform your question? Want help interpreting what you found? Book a reading with me now,

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