More About Me
I have always been an intuitive empath, but my twin flame ascension journey has since helped me cultivate my clairaudient channeling abilities and activate a mission as a multidimensional healer. While I prefer to tune in with tarot and oracle cards to gauge my clients' progress, I will also let you know if there is a channeled message that comes through for you—whether that be from yours or your counterpart's higher selves or from the archangelic realms. My unique spiritual readings draw from a wide range of credentials, natural and honed abilities, interpretive and divination tools.
Attracting Your Sacred Partner
For those looking to meet or strengthen your twin flame connection, I highly recommend clearing your energy field regularly. There are various ways of doing this, including guided audio meditations, decree, mantra or affirmation-based rituals, gratitude journaling, chakra healing—even Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, can be effective depending on what resonates with your belief system and lifestyle. If you believe, and you are willing to commit to working with these energy healing tools daily, you can succeed in raising your base vibration. Your new signal makes you highly attractive to your twin flame, whether incarnate or in the astral realms.
You may start to receive telepathic messages in the form of lucid or prophetic dreams, repeating name or number syncs, doppelgängers, and other more personal signs and syncs such as spirit animal totems. Learn to trust these messages so you may continue to cultivate trust in your inner being and learn how your higher self is communicating with you. As you do so, the frequency of the guidance will increase in direct proportion to your vibration. Remember, as Abraham-Hicks has said, “we only manifest to the extent to which we can allow.”
If you would like to check in to see where you are on your journey, please give me a call. I am happy to pull some cards to gauge your progress. Please note that I prefer to read for prescription rather than prediction, however. This is more ethically sound and less energetically intrusive to your counterpart. Learning how you yourself can maintain momentum/vibrational equilibrium is more empowering than giving your power away to a reader or prediction. While your twin flame recognition event may be a fated contractual event, timelines are not written in stone. They accelerate as YOU do your spiritual work and rise in consciousness. The ultimate goal for those on a twin flame journey/mission is to ascend into 5D/Unity consciousness which helps the planet evolve.
Image Credit: Egley, William Maw. The Lady of Shallot. 1858, oil on canvas. Sheffield Museums, UK.
Sacred Partnerships
Twin Flames & Soulmates
Relationship Coaching
Deceased Loved Ones
Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters & Archangels
Past Lives & Karma Cleansing
Polarity Balancing/Integration
Release of Dark Energies & Entities
Space Clearing & Earth Gridwork
Skills & Methods
Clairaudient empath
Hadarian Starseed/Lightworker
Transformational/Multidimensional Healer
Akashic Records Practitioner
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Personal Practitioner
Law of Attractions
Astrology & Numerology
Oracle & Tarot
Dream & Advanced Symbol Interpretation